V Day is Kind of Messy

I’ve been scrambling to pick out Valentine’s Day goodies for my kids and their classmates but literally everything is plastic! I don’t want to be a total bummer but there are almost NO options for simple, low/no waste treats - cut to me googling all the things! Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. (note: I would glue on a single piece of candy to any of these things just because you know…kids). Here we go:

For classmates:

  1. Single flower with a cardboard note attached

  2. Cut out hearts in this seed paper that will grow into something. https://www.amazon.com/Bloomin-Original-Crafting-sheets-8-5x11/dp/B015RVW9QY/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B015RVW9QY&pd_rd_r=d320192e-e6ec-4dc7-957c-173e61b1f9c5&pd_rd_w=W0aeN&pd_rd_wg=bqlWQ&pf_rd_p=3ec6a47e-bf65-49f8-80f7-0d7c7c7ce2ca&pf_rd_r=EPJKCQZV00R9YGT83CXC&psc=1&refRID=EPJKCQZV00R9YGT83CXC&linkCode=ll1&tag=rediscofamili-20&linkId=fd24816970299145487bd6e84b513850&language=en_US

  3. Melt crayon pieces in heart shapes : www.princesspinkygirl.com/valentines-day-class-gift-ideas

  4. Wood hearts with stamps www.popsugar.com/home/photo-gallery/21607708/image/40066341/Balsa-Wood-Tags

  5. Cookies www.proflowers.com/product/love-belgian-chocolate-covered-oreo-cookies-prd-ge303

  6. Remove these from plastic and give 3-4 per child www.homemalonenola.com/products/nolaheartcandy?_pos=4&_sid=1a939b911&_ss=r

  7. Sustainable glitter www.elektracosmetics.com/product/pink_camelia

  8. Plantable lollipops www.mitchsflowersnola.com

For your own kids:

  1. Organic cotton Heart Pajamas www.nolatawk.com/product/mardi-gras-sweet-hearts/

  2. Wood mask chain www.homemalonenola.com/products/woodbeadmaskbuddy?_pos=7&_sid=ba3d6c197&_ss=r


V-Day Adulting


She’s a Natural